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11/30/2005: "Malaise"

First entry into log finds me in a state of angstful malaise, waiting desperately for the end of the semester. No, I'm not a student, actually a professor. Who should be working rather than playing with new software. However, today I did manage to get some things of note done, including entering my vita into something called 'the faculty information database' which was a tedious pain in the ass, but since the dean actually uses this database, I might as well stand up and be counted.

The end of the semester is only a couple weeks away. I sort of hit the wall Thanksgiving week. Got a taste of freedom and relaxation, and then it was snatched away. This is a tough time for everyone. You can see it in the students... they are worn out, half of them don't bother to show up for class (in the intro level classes) and it can be difficult to incite enthusiasm. Talking about cow farts in intro got a few laughs (today's lecture was on pollution).

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November 2005

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